Double-4 Anime Reviews ( 4244richard )

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Who runs this website ?

This website is owned and run by Richard Wallace and his crew. This website is supposed to be an extension to (4244richard) or nickname Double-4 on YouTube. Richard Wallace owns and runs many sites such as 4244richard on YouTube, and 4244richard on Facebook. He has a personal Facebook Richard Wallace and a corporation World Studios of 2011 on Facebook. 4244richard is a popular anime reviewer and is social with everyone. He is in a group called The Big 4 which consists of ending-point, double4anime, LiquidCrystalGeneration, and power-players.

Does this website have any special events ?

We have many special events such as giveaways, holiday specials, and local meetings. There are none yet but we will inform you when we do.

Can I be a part of these special events ?

Yes you can, but first you have to apply for membership, its 100% free and easy.

Can I join the Big 4/Weebly Federation ?

Yes you can but first you need to Email or Chat with one of the Big 4 members ( double4anime, ending-point, LiquidCrystalGeneration, or power-players. And remember all of these websites are weebly domain's.                   Example :

I can't see or go on your Live Chat Room

You probably don't have JavaScript downloaded, please check again, once you downloaded. If this is not enough than please Email us at [email protected]

Where can I watch your videos ?

4244richard on YouTube.

Can I make a website just like yours ?

No you cannot use the same templates and wording as you see on this website, that is illegal. However you can make any other type of website using